谭晓燕 院长 主任医师 教授技术职称:主任医师、教授现任职务:杭州整形医院院长擅长治疗:头面部、乳房、外阴部及体型肥胖、眼鼻耳部美容等年轻化手术治疗及唇腭裂的综合整形;特别是除皱、乳房美容、颏部整形、鼻部肥大、塌鼻及宽鼻畸形的整形美容治疗。Title:Chief Physician, ProfessorPosition:Dean of Hangzhou Plastic Surgery Hospital热烈祝贺杭州整形医院院长谭晓燕任浙江省医学会整形外科分会候任主委!现任:浙江省医学会整形外科分会候任主委、 浙江省医师协会第三届理事会常务理事、中国整形美容协会常务理事,中国整形美容协会抗衰老分会常务理事、微创和皮肤整形美容分会副会长,中国医师协会整形美容分会全国常委、中华医学会乳房整形亚分会全国常委、中国医师协会鼻、乳房整形亚分会全国常委、中华医学会杭州市整形与显微外科分会主任委员、中华医学会浙江省整形分会副主任委员、中国医师协会美容与整形医师分会第四届委员会常务委员、《中国美容整形外科杂志》编委、中西医学会浙江省整形美容分会委员、中西医学会杭州分会理事、杭州市女企业家协会理事、江西宜春医学院兼职教授、杭州市人大代表、中国医师协会美容与整形医师分会乳房整形亚专业委员会第二届委员会副主任委员、中华医学会整形外科学分会鼻整形专业学组副组长、浙江省医师协会美容与整形医师分会**届委员会副会长、中国医师协会美容与整形分会内窥镜技术专业委员会副主任委员、眼整形美容分会**届理事会副会长等。Executive Director of Chinese Plastic Surgery Association, Vice President of Branch of Minimally Invasive and Skin Cosmetic Surgery Association,China Branch of the National Medical Association Standing Committee of cosmetic surgery、Chinese Medical Association Standing Committee of the National Breast shaping Asia Branch、Chinese Medical Association nose, breast surgery sub- branch of the National Standing Committee of the Chinese Medical Association , Hangzhou Plastic and Microsurgery Institute branch chairman of the Chinese Medical Association , vice chairman of orthopedic branch of Zhejiang Province , 《Chinese Journal of Plastic Surgery》editorial, TCM Zhejiang Province cosmetic branch members, branch director of Hangzhou Institute of Integrative Medicine , women Entrepreneurs Association of Hangzhou , Jiangxi Yichun Adjunct Professor of Medicine, Hangzhou People's Congress. 1983年毕业于浙江医科大学,1985年参与杭州整形医院筹建,同年去上海九院整形外科进修。1991年美国研修颅颌面外科和显微外科,1994年破格晋升。2006年改制后被中国中信集团聘为业务院长,现为杭州整形医院院长。Graduated from Zhejiang Medical University in 1983, she has participated in constructing Hangzhou Plastic Surgery Hospital, and went to Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital for further study of plastic surgery in 1985. In 1991, she went to U.S. for studying of craniofacial surgery and microsurgery, and gained the chance of exceptional promotion in 1994. In 2006 after the restructuring, she was entitled as the business dean by China CITIC Group. 30年来,一直坚持医疗,教学,科研齐头并进,其中鼻部和乳房的综合整形技术在国内享有高的声誉,主编国内二部巨著《整形外科学》和《美容外科学》中鼻部相关章节,发表论文数十篇,参与的课题分获多项省、市科技进步奖。2007年被中国医师协会评为“中国十佳整形外科医师”2009-2010年被授予杭州市“巾帼建功标兵”称号。2011-2012年被授予“浙江省巾帼建功标兵”。2013年“鼻部软组织牵拉”获得先进操作法荣誉。During the last 30 years, she has been keeping focus on medical treatment and scientific research, and her study on nose and breast shaping technology enjoys a high reputation in China. She also participated the edit of two monumental, Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Surgery, in which the nose related sections were of her contribution. She has published dozens of papers, winning a number of technology progressing prizes in the provinces. In 2007 she was named China's *** Ten Plastic Surgeons by Chinese Medical Association; in 2009-2010 she was awarded the title of Hangzhou's Meritorious Heroine; in 2011-2012 she was awarded Zhejiang's Meritorious Heroine . 联系电话:0571-85331610 部分证书关于谭晓燕院长的相关报道: 人民网专访杭州整形医院院长、市人大代表谭晓燕教授中美**对话 美国名校教授畅谈整形美容经验